
General and Annual Board Meetings are open to all homeowners.  We encourage your attendance at these very important meetings so everyone can understand important subdivision issues, provide feedback and be part of the oversight of treasury spend and important decisions being made on behalf of all Lottivue homeowners.   


Meetings are held on the last Monday of each month, unless it falls on a National Holiday. Meetings will start at 7:00 PM.

The Annual Meeting is held at the designated location determined by the Board of Directors, on the 15th day of May in each year, at the hour of seven o'clock (7:00) PM.  Please watch your mail for the packet mailing and email for meeting notice with location.

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes will be now be posted on the Casa Bella Management website.  Minutes will be posted once they have been approved at the following board meeting. To view the most current meeting minutes, please log onto to

Should you have any questions regarding the minutes that have been posted, please send an e-mail to [email protected].

We encourage all members to register, free of charge, online at:

Voting Procedure

Voting will be conducted via closed ballot.  Each homeowner will receive via U.S. mail, prior to the scheduled Annual Meeting, a packet which will include a ballot with eligible candidates running for election to the Board of Directors.  There will also be a postage paid return envelope which will allow those homeowners not able to attend the Annual Meeting to cast their vote by U.S. mail.  Ballots may also be cast by homeowners at the Annual Meeting.

Note: Votes will only be counted for homeowners/members in good standing (annual dues paid in full no later than April 15th of the current year). Casa Bella Management will also assist the outgoing Board of Directors with the facilitation of the election for the incoming Board of Directors.